Immigration Appeal Tribunal

Court of Appeal and Labour Courts

The Appeal Court is designed to hear appeals against decisions made by the Population and Immigration Authority or the Minister of Interior, regarding entry, exit, staying, or residency in Israel.

Examples of Ministry of Interior decisions a person can appeal against:

  1. Ministry decision regarding foreign spouses who are married to, or who are common-law partners of an Israeli citizen or residency entry to Israel, beginning their process of naturalization or permanent residence. Including dependent minors accompanying parents in the process of naturalization.
  2. Regulation of residents of the region, spouses or minors accompanying parents.
  3. Regulation of  legal status for minors born in Israel
  4. Work permits for foreigners.
  5. Requests for Refugee status.
  6. Status in Israel for humanitarian reasons,
  7. General humanitarian requests,
  8. Government decisions regarding children of foreigners

Important: The appeal to the Court must be submitted in writing within 30 days of the Ministry of Interior’s Decision, or from the day which the appellant was given notice of the decision. 

KTA lawyers are well experienced in performing appeals, reversing successful some of the Ministry of Interior decision.

Labour Courts

The Labour Court hears single suits, collective disputes and actions to verify the legality of strikes.


The Labour Court is an assembly of a judge joined by representatives of both the employer and employee. They have the authority to enforce labor laws as well as collective agreements, settlements, personal contracts and extension orders. In addition, Labour Courts enforce the health and safety laws.


The Labour courts also hear indictments against companies and managers who illegally employ/employed foreign workers. Such companies and managers can face severe punishments and criminal penalties, including imprisonment.


An appeal can be submitted to the National Labour Court located in Jerusalem. The decision of the National Labor Court is final and cannot be appealed. However, a petition can be submitted to the Supreme Court acting as the High Court of Justice (Bagatz), under certain conditions.


KTA lawyers are well experienced in litigating at the Labour Courts.


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