Specialists Work in Academic Fields

Specialists work in Academic Fields Over Three Months

The Ministry of Interior has issued in 2015 the procedure for foreign experts who engage in professions requiring a higher academic education (e.g. Engineers for Research and Development Teams, Auditors, Senior Executives, and other Senior Supervisors). In this category the expert is required as a prerequisite for submitting an application, to present a certificate of education from an academic institution of higher education.

The process of obtaining a work permit type B-1 includes four separate bureaucratic steps:

1. The submission of a detailed application for a Work Permit to the Ministry of Interior describing the project, the need for expertise, conditions of employment, and more. The application must comply with regulations and meet the strict requirement of the Ministry of Interior.

2. Applying for a B-1 work visa at the local branch of the Ministry of Interior to be cabled for processing at the Israeli consulate in the Country of origin of the expert.

3. The issuance of a temporary B-1 Work visa by the Israeli consulate in the Country of origin of the expert, prior to entering Israel.

4. Following the applicant’s entry into to Israel, the applicant will be issued a B-1 work visa for the entire period of the work permit. This step will take place at the time the expert goes through border control at Ben Gurion Airport, or after entry, at the relevant branch Ministry of Interior.

The prevailing wage for an expert is double the average wage in Israel. In some cases, the Ministry of Interior may require a higher salary, in individual professions where the average wage is higher than the average wage in the overall economy.

Work permits of this kind are typically valid for a period of up to one year from the date of approval of the application, the employer may apply for an extension of the permit each time for a further period, along with the required documents. In general, the maximum stay and work in Israel is up to five year and three months after beginning work in Israel.

A work permit of this type is valid for a single entry only, and therefore the employer should see to the issuance of a work permit that is valid for multiple entries that will allow the expert to enter and depart Israel during the period of the work visa, without having to re-process the visa at the consulate.

Duration of process: 2-3 months.

Important: Working in Israel for any period of time without a permit and B-1 visa in the foreign expert’s passport, is a criminal offense. Whereby the employer and mangers will be expected to criminal penalties and fines, and the expert is expected to be deported, without being able to return for a period of 10 years.

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