Penalties for Non-Compliance in Israel

The illegal employment of a foreign employee in Israel attracts both monetary and criminal prosecution for both the employee and employer.

The following is a summary for noncompliance in Israel:


Financial Consequences
Penalties & Consequences:
Illegal employment of foreign workers
Revocation of visa and obligation to leave the country either through deportation or willingly departure.
Black stamp applied on the passport, banning entry to Israeli for up to 10 years and restricting entry to other countries (such as US)
Failure to adjust entry for visitors (after work permit expiration)
Possible denial of entry in Israel


Financial Consequences
Penalties & Consequences:
Illegal Employment of foreign workers
Financial Fines According to the Penal Law – depends of the violation, the number of assignees found illegally working, length of the prolonged illegal working etc. Fine may be imposed on both for the company and its managers personally.
Charged with a criminal indictment and possible imprisonment – both for the company and its managers
Illegal work of foreign workers
Company’s name will be published on government website
Illegal work of foreign workers
Company’s representative may be individually liable and subject to civil and criminal penalties and fines, including imprisonment
Black listing of company from the ability to apply for a future work visas.
Failure to submit departure notification
Black listing of company from the ability to apply for a future work visas.
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