Corporate Legal Services in the US

Corporate Legal Services in the US

Cooperation with:

Kan Tor Acco (“KTA”) and the law firm of Lippes Mathias Wexler Friedman LLP (“Lippes Mathias”) cooperate in providing legal assistance to Israeli Companies doing business in the United States and to US companies that have business interests in Israel.

Lippes Mathias serves a wide range of US clients in Israel. It also provides legal assistance to Israeli clients who are operating or seeking to establish new operations in the United States. KTA’s team of Israeli and US-trained lawyers assist these businesses with expert visa and global migration services. KTA also provides assistance by serving as a focal point of reference  and “boots on the ground” for Lippes Mathias in Israel. 

Through its strategic relationship with KTA, Lippes Mathias has developed an extensive network of accounting, consulting, and governmental relationships in Israel. Their US clients benefit by obtaining a comprehensive understanding of the Israeli marketplace in order to identify and maximize market opportunities. KTA assists by providing innovative, strategic, and timely advice to clients seeking to enter or expand their business interests in the United States and Israel. KTA works with Lippes Mathias to coordinate services provided by legal and other professional service providers in Israel.

In addition to being the “start up nation,”  Israel has a growing network of companies seeking to capitalize on global market opportunities. Israeli companies seeking to enter, maintain or expand their business interests in the United States require sophisticated expertise on a broad range of legal issues. This expertise includes Federal and State regulatory compliance, litigation, tax, employment, and finance.

Lippes Mathias’ multi-disciplinary Israel-U.S. Cross Border Practice Team is focused on guiding Israeli companies and individuals proactively by providing direction to successfully navigate complex Federal and State laws and government regulations. The Israel-U.S. Cross Border Practice Team is led by Dennis C. Vacco. Dennis is the former New York State Attorney General, Partner, and is Team Leader of the Lippes Mathias’  Government & State Attorneys General Investigations practice. Lippes Mathias has offices strategically located in New York State, Washington, D.C., Florida, Illinois, and Canada. Their attorneys regularly advise on international legal matters relating to:

  • Corporate & Securities
  • E-Commerce 
  • Government and State Attorneys General Investigations 
  • Immigration 
  • Labor & Employment 
  • Public Law & Policy
  • Real Estate 
  • Regulatory Compliance.

Lippes Mathias’ Israel cross-border practice includes:

  • Representing clients in Federal and State agency administrative and criminal investigations, proceedings, and private litigation. 
  • Identifying market opportunities and securing financing for United States companies in Israel.
  • Identifying market opportunities and securing financing for Israeli companies in the United States.
  • Advising Israeli companies providing services and selling products in the United States.
  • Advising United States companies providing services and selling products in Israel.

Kan-Tor Acco is actively represented in the major Israel America Chamber of Commerce and has assisted Lippes Mathias with various business related events featured in the  Israel Media.


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