By Hila Itssowits, Senior Paralegal |

On November 12, 2020, the Israeli Health Ministry has shortened the compulsory isolation period from 14 to 12 days, for those individuals entering under B-1 work visas for experts from red countries.

According to the regulation published today, in order to qualify for the reduced quarantine period, the individual must complete the following:

  • The foreign Expat must Register with the Ministry of Health via the online form or through the Health Center Line prior to arrival.
  • The foreign expat must undergo a PCR test for COVID-19 as soon as possible after entering isolation.
  • The foreign expat must undergoa second PCR test for COVID-19 from the 10th day after the entry into Israel, and at least 24 hours after the first PCR test.
  • If both tests are negative, a notification will be sent to the foreign employee(in a text message or by phone). The notification is required for exit from the quarantine after 12 days.

The tests must be performed at “drive-through” points or at designated locations for people in isolation.

If an individual has symptoms at any time during the isolation period, the isolation period should not be shortened and the individual should be checked again. This procedure will apply retroactively to those who are currently in isolation.

The following are practical clarification to the above announcement:

According to several checks we made with the Ministry of Health, it was verified that in order to have the quarantine period reduced, the foreign expert must do the following:

  • Get MOH Approval for boarding the flight: before entry, in the last 24 hours before boarding the flight, fill-in reporting of entry
  • Register as entering for isolation: prior to arrival to Israel, fill-in reporting of entering isolation
  • 1st test-the foreign expat will take the first PCR coronavirus test as soon as possible after going into isolation. A list of testing complexes is published online – see below.
  • 2nd test- the foreign expat will take a second PCR coronavirus test 10 days after the date of entry to Israel, and at least 24 hours after the first test.

If both tests return negative, the foreign employee (still in isolation) will automatically receive notification of a reduced quarantine period (12 days from entry, in any case no less than 12 days), the notification will be sent as a text message or by phone call.

Where can the test be taken: a list of testing complexes is published online at the following link (Hebrew). Foreign experts in quarantine can take the test only in Drive-in testing complexes – in the list on the website highlighted in blue. They are allowed to leave quarantine only for this purpose and must be alone in the car or with a driver separated from them – same as transportation from the airport to quarantine. Following the test, they must go back directly to quarantine.

Of course, if the person in isolation develops any symptoms at any time during the isolation period, the isolation period cannot be reduced, and this person will be required to test again.  These cases must be reported to the Ministry of Health.

Kan-Tor & Acco is the leading Corporate Immigration Law in Israel.