Congratulations to Morgan Rosinia who has been promoted to Partner at the US Inbound Immigration Department of Kan-Tor and Acco (Israel), effective July 1, 2022.
Morgan has been with the firm since 2015. Morgan made Aliyah from the United States and joined the KTA team after completing a Masters of Laws (LLM) degree at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Morgan specializes in assisting start-up companies in applying for L-1 new company visas and L blanket visa process for established companies looking to transfer multiple employees to the U.S., as well as E and H-1B visa preparation.
She also has a Juris Doctor degree from the University of San Diego School of Law and is a licensed attorney from the state of California.
Morgan always excelled in all she did and that’s why we are confident she will excel in this new position as well, co leading the US department.
Congratulations, Morgan!