By Amit Acco, Partner |

The Israeli government announced today its intention to ban the entry of foreigners from all countries for the next 14 days. On December 09, the Israeli government decided to extend the ban by 10 days, until December 22, 2021.

This decision comes into effec at midnight (between Sunday, November 28 and Monday, November  29).

The restriction was put in place in an effort to contain the highly mutated Omicron variant of COVID-19.

Entry Regulation During the Entry Bar

Foreign Employees

  • Those who have a valid B-1 work visa to Israel and a multiple entry visa will be able to enter Israel provided they are fully adhering to medical regulation, i.e. the individuals that are eligible for Israeli green pass, and received authorization to travel after filling the form that is required 48 hours before a flight.
  • New work permit applications for up to 90 days: the Work Permit Unit will issue a special permit to enter during the ban, subject to receipt of the recommendation of the Relevant Government Ministry within the Industry of the particular employer.
  • New application for work permits for a period of over 90 days:  There is a need to apply for a recommendation from a government ministry for functional continuity. The permit will be issued by the Ministry of the Interior
  • Entry permits issued before November 28 are canceled, and will not allow entry.
  • Foreign workers that already have B-1 work visas from the consulate: employer will need to apply for an entry recommendation from the relevant Government Ministry within the Industry of the particular employer. Once the recommendation is received by the Work Permit Unit, a new Entry Permit will be issued to allow the travel to Israel.
  • Foreign workers that already have a short-term employment permit (SEA 90 days) and have not entered yet: employer will need to apply for an entry recommendation from the relevant Government Ministry within the Industry of the particular employer. Once the recommendation is received by the Work Permit Unit, a new Entry Permit will be issued to allow the travel to Israel.

Visitors, Dependents

  • Any visitor that will travel later than midnight 28 November 2021 (Israel time), will not be able to enter Israel without special authorization to travel A.K.A “permit to board the plane”.
  • Any dependents, even having a long-term B-2 visitor dependent visa, that will travel later than midnight 28 November 2021 (Israel time), will not be able to enter Israel without special authorization to travel A.K.A “permit to board the plane”.

Business Visitors

  • During ban, entry of the business person is not permitted.

Mandatory Isolation for at least 3 days

  • At least 3 days of isolation will be imposed on foreign nationals that will be allowed entry.
  • It is possible that Foreign Employees will have to isolate in a state-run coronavirus motel.

The Un-Expectancy of the COVID-19 Entry-to-Israel Measures

The un-expectancy of the COVID-19 entry-to-Israel measures is evident by the cabinet’s decision to inform Israelis departing overseas that the directives may change while they are abroad.

The uncertainty of the situation was well emphasized by the Israeli Prime Minister, Mr. Naftali Bennett:

“We’re currently in a period of uncertainty. It’s not a simple or comfortable place to be…The key here is caution and minimal risks until we learn more. We want to maintain Israel’s tremendous achievement during the Delta wave — an open and functioning Israel, with a functioning economy, and an active education system with children going to school. That’s the top priority.”

KTA will follow up on the topic in a Client Alert and will advise accordingly.

For more information: israel work visa | relocation services israel


Disclaimer: The COVID-19 information is gathered from various public media sources at the courtesy of KTA to its own clients and website visitors. Due to the rapid, sometimes daily changes in policy, we urge any traveler to get updated at the official government website by clicking here prior to planning or taking any international travel to or from Israel.