In the fight against the spread of COVID-19,  the government has limited entrance to Israel to Israeli nationals and Foreign Experts who have unique and special skills that are required during this time.

The following is a summary of  information KTA gathered which will be helpful if travelling to Israel during the pandemic:

Before traveling to Israel:

Your company should arrange for special permission in order to enter Israel during the pandemic. Once you receive the permit, make sure all details (names, dates) are consistent with the information in your passport and relating to your flights.

Your company must arrange for an apartment or suite which will allow you to stay upion entrance to Israel, for the full 14 day quarantine period , subject to the terms and conditions issued by the Ministry of Health.

Transportation to the “isolation flat” must be arranged in advance. An option for transportation is a pre-arranged taxi (which allows only 2 passengers per car).

Verify with the airline in advance that you are authorized to board the flight.

 Preparation for the flight

Please make sure you have the following items, documents and information before traveling:

  1. Passport
  2. Color print of the Entry to Israel permit issued by the Ministry of Interior.
  3. Copy of medical insurance that meets Israeli requirements, including COVID 19 coverage.
  4. Copy of the isolation obligation you signed.
  5. Recommendation (optional): A recent letter from your medical doctor, stating you are healthy and fit to work in Israel.
  6. Recommendation (optional): Police certificate of good standing.
  7. Contact details and cell phone number: Company HR, Company Project Manager, Lawyer, drivers at the airport and apartment manager or management.
  8. Have a face mask handy in your hand language. We recommend you carry a few with you, to allow for replacement or in case lost.