By Hila Itscowits, Senior Paralegal |
Starting Wednesday, December 23rd, all travelers arriving to Israel must complete home- solation. Home-isolation is done for 14 days and can be reduced to 10 days by taking 2 Covid-19 tests with negative results. The first test will be taken as soon as possible after arrival, and the second test on the 9th day.
Also Starting Wednesday, December 23rd, travelers arriving to Israel may be sent for isolation at state-run facilities.
This article includes detailed information on subjects related to quarantine. For pre-entry instructions please refer to the following article.
Upon Arrival
Travelers to Israel will undergo several steps upon arrival at Ben Gurion airport. Travelers will be checked for Covid-19 symptoms, and undergo Health questioning. Traveler with special circumstances will be examined by the Exceptions Committee. After passport control and luggage claims, travelers will be directed to a shuttle that will take them to the Quarantine hotel.
Reduced Quarantine Period:
The isolation period can be shortened to 10 days for individuals that will complete the following steps:
- Register with the Ministry of Health via the online form or through the Health Center Line upon arrival.
- Undergo a PCR test for COVID-19 as soon as possible after entering isolation.
- Undergo a second PCR test for COVID-19 from the 9th day after the entry into Israel, and at least 24 hours after the first PCR test.
- If both tests are negative, a notification will be sent to the individual (in a text message or by phone). The notification is required for exit from the quarantine after 10 days.
The tests must be performed at “drive-through” points or at designated locations for people in isolation.
Only after receiving the SMS and provided there are no symptoms the individual will be allowed to leave isolation. If an individual has symptoms at any time during the isolation period, the isolation period will not be shortened and the individual should be checked again.
10 days are calculated as follows: 9 full 24-hours plus any remaining hours to 12 am on the 10th day from arrival to Israel.
Where can the test be taken: a list of testing complexes is published online at the following link (in Hebrew). Foreign experts in quarantine can take the test only in Drive-in testing complexes – in the list on the website highlighted in blue. Leaving quarantine is allowed only for this purpose and must be alone in the car or with the driver separated from the traveler – same as transportation from the airport to quarantine. Following the test, the isolated individual must go back directly to quarantine.
Individuals who are sent to Quarantine in state-run facilities will be tested in the state-run facilities immediately after arrival and on the 9th day of stay.
Of course, if the Individual in isolation develops any symptoms at any time during the isolation period, the isolation period cannot be reduced, and another test will have to be done. These cases must be reported to the Ministry of Health.
Quarantine in State-Run Facilities
Starting Wednesday, December 23rd, travelers arriving in Israel, including Israeli nationals and foreign experts may be sent for isolation at state-run facilities. State-run facilities are hotels adapted for the sole purpose of quarantine requirements. Hotel services are provided by the hotel staff according to the guidelines of the Ministry of Health.
The decision on who will be sent to the state-run facility will be made by the authorities at the airport upon arrival. The location of the facility will also be determined upon arrival to Israel. No criteria have been published. Travel to the state-run facility will be organized by the state. Employers of foreign experts in isolation may be required to pay for the stay at the hotel.
Travelers sent for quarantine will not be allowed to leave their rooms during the entire quarantine period. It is forbidden to leave the room, or let other people in. Travelers will not be allowed to visit public areas or hotel facilities.
Food and hygiene products are provided at the state-run facilities. Each room is supplied with an Electric kettle and cups as well as a TV, Bedding, Bath towels, Soap & shampoos, Laundry detergent, Detergents and disinfectants, Laundry bags, and garbage bags. Room cleaning and laundry services will not be provided and should be done by the guests.
3 meals a day will be provided outside the room door. Food deliveries will not be allowed, other packages can be delivered. It is forbidden to bring alcohol or drugs into the state-run facilities.
Release from the hotel is subject to receiving a notification from the Ministry of Health or approval from the hotel after the completion of the quarantine period. Return from the hotel will be arranged independently by the foreign national\ company.
Leaving Israel early
Travelers obligated in quarantine will not be allowed to leave Israel before the end of the quarantine period. In special circumstances, a request can be made to the Ministry of Health. Leaving Israel before the end of the quarantine and without approval will be considered a breach of compliance, exposing the employers of the foreign expert to penalties and fines. In such cases, re-entry of the foreign national will not be allowed again.
Exemption from Isolation
Foreign experts traveling to Israel for a short duration of stay of no longer than 7 days can apply for an exemption for quarantine. Applications will be reviewed by the government office and adjudicated by state determined priorities and ability to maintain the safety of Israeli employees.
Where Exemption from Isolation is approved, experts will be required to follow the guidelines published by the Ministry of Health. A short guideline is hereby provided for ease of convenience.
General Guidelines for travelers exempted from isolation:
Stay will be limited to the shortest duration required for the work assignment
(In any case no more than 7 days of stay will be permitted)
Traveler will wear a mask covering his mouth and nose from the moment of leaving the airplane and at all times throughout his stay in Israel, except when he is his place of home-isolation.
The traveler must remain in isolation at all times except when traveling to the worksite. Leaving the room to public areas is not allowed, except for the work assignment for which the traveler arrived in Israel. It is emphasized that the traveler will not be allowed to enter restaurants, stores, or walk outside during his stay in Israel.
- Travel will be done in a private car. The traveler will not use any public transportation.
- If a dedicated driver is taking the traveler, the following rules must be followed:
- The car will have a partition between driver and traveler. If a partition is not possible – the windows should be left open.
- The traveler will sit at the back of the car
- Driver and traveler will wear a mask while in the car
- Driver and traveler will avoid physical contact and will keep distance between them as detailed in home-isolation instructions.
Place of Isolation:
Traveler must stay in an isolated apartment that is organized by the company and use a mask as detailed in-home -isolation instructions
After the traveler leaves the room will be cleaned as detailed in home-isolation instructions
Work Site:
Arrival at the site will not be allowed in case of fever, cough, difficulty breathing, or another respiratory symptom.
During the stay at the worksite: the traveler will use a mask and gloves, will maintain a stance of at least 2 meters from other people. The number of people in the same room with the traveler will be minimized. The room should be aired if possible.
Checking body temperature and other symptoms:
The traveler will check his body temperature before boarding the flight, if the temperature is higher than 38oC- the traveler is forbidden to board the flight.
Body temperature must be measured daily throughout the stay in Israel and for 14 days after his departure from Israel. If any fever is higher than 38oC, or other Covide19 symptoms – cough, difficulty breathing, or another respiratory symptom during stay, the company will report immediately to the Ministry of Health via the call center (101/*5400)
The company must:
- Carefully record the places the expert visits while in Israel: place of stay, date and time range at each place.
- Monitor the traveler’s body temperature during his stay in Israel and for 14 days after his departure from Israel.
- Report to the Ministry of Health in case of fever higher than 38oC, cough, difficulty breathing, or other respiratory symptom appear or in case of a positive Covid-19 test result.
The traveler & company will be required to sign a document to undertake these obligations and ensure all conditions are met.
Kan-Tor & Acco is a leading Immigration law firm in Israel. For any question on this post, please contact Senior Paralegal Hila Itskowits on